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What I learned from 7:14

In my previous post, I shared that I joined this movement called prayer 7:14. Well, actualy it ended a couple of weeks ago, but my works got the better of me.

Let me share briefly what Mr. S and I have learned during the 8-days of praying and (social media and watch-soccer) fasting.

Mr. S and I have never been a serious prayer. We prayed regularly - before our meals, before going to bed, and in the morning. But if you know what I mean, the prayer time is very regular. It is something we do - rituals - so we never had the longing or calling to pray.

This 7:14 movement has actually challenged us, or me personally, to really want to pray; and to learn to pray unselfishly.

I often prayed only for family, myself, my spouse, my work, my day, my health, and ask forgivenes for my sins. It's all about me.

This time, we prayed for a lot of things, not only for ourselves.

When we kicked off on Sunday, we felt like 14 minutes were very long. How could we pray in 14 minutes? So the first day, we prayed I think for 10 minutes, then realized that we still had 4 minutes, and we continued. On this first day, we were searching and thinking of subjects or topics we should pray for.

Starting from the second day, it got easier. We were more comfortable to pray out loud, topics seem to come easily. We finished praying after 13 minutes.

But strating from the third day, we no longer had trouble praying. Topics kept coming. We kept praying. And I think, we prayed almost 30 minutes once or twice.

We prayed for our friends, we called them by name, we said each issues they had and asked for God's help. We mentioned every concern we had in our heart, our dream. We prayed for our countries - the upcoming elections, the open corruption cases, the politicians, other political agenda, North Korea, and many more.

At church, we heard some stories about the result of this movement: some people got better, some relationships were mended, some situations appeared to be brighter. For a split second, I had questioned "what were the result for us, God? because I didn't see any miracels happening after 8 days."

But I was reminded that after this movement, prayer has become the most essential part of our relationship. Believe it or not, my relationship with Mr. S got even closer. And most importantly, after our social media and watch-soccer fasting, we learned to let go things that are less important in our lives.

So no 'blind man can see' miracles happened to us, but we definitely benefit from this movement.


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