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Showing posts from February, 2009

Siomay Bandung

Hm,.. di negeri londo ga ada abang jual siomay bandung Tapi ada 2 kemungkinan untuk menikmati hidangan ini: 1. Beli di resto indo di Belanda, mostly di kota Den Haag. Untuk ini, Anda harus merogoh kocek minimal 7 Euro. Sayang ngga ada pare-nya :P 2. Bikin sendiri! Of course lebih murah, paling beli tahu, frozen siomay, kentang, dan telur (suka males kalo beli gubis atau pare, ribet bikinnya!). Tapiiii,... malessshhh!! Buat Oma, ternyata ada option ketiga :P DIMASAKIN! Kayak tadi malam, dimasakin Bang Tepy :P Jadi makin sayang,... Hoek hoek,... :P hahahahahhahah


Oh,.. tadi malam Oma bermimpi Dia datang, menghampiri Oma yang lagi duduk-duduk ama Bang Tepy Dia tersenyum kecut Dia terlihat seperti ingin menangis Kemudian dia pergi Oma hanya melihatnya melangkah pergi. Oma bisa melihat sepasang stick drum yang berada di saku celana jeans hitamnya Yang kemudian memudar Apa artinya? Hm,...

Nia needs

Gara-gara baca blog-nya si Tikus Ilang , Oma jadi ngakak ndiri en terinspirasi untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Apparently, I also have to thank Zoomdoogle for this. So the 'game' is called "What do I need?" It is not merely listing things I need, but we are doing it in a fun way. How? WE ASK UNCLE GOOGLE!! I simply googled my name followed by word 'needs' all in quotes, such as "nia needs". And, voila,.. you will see what you need! Thus, Nia needs: - to be held accountable - Help! - P22 billion to irrigate 368000 hectares in the country (WOW!!) - A home - (at the bottom of the first page, it says that I need...) to be happy Funny,.. and the answers are partly true, sadly :( Anyway, just try it, peepz! Whatever the answer, it will make you laugh! XD

A Reply

Payah,.. Ternyata si "gebetan" I mentioned in the previous post read my post. Oh no,... Ngga nyangka seh! Dia lho ga pernah baca blog Oma sebelumnya (kayaknya sih,.. tapi bisa jadi dia pembaca setia) Dan di chatting YM pagi ini, dia meninggalkan sebuah lirik lagu (jadi berasa kayak film India, balas-balasan pake lagu) . Lirik lagu yang dalaaam banget, yang membuat Oma menyesal membalas sapaan dia di YM beberapa hari lalu. "Walau keujung dunia, pasti akan kunanti Meski ke tujuh samudra, pasti ku kan menunggu Karena ku yakin, Kau hanya untukku" (Untukku - Alm. Chrisye) Hm,... Romantis sih But, I totally 100% am over him. Seriously So, kayaknya Oma harus menulis kembali sebuah lirik lagu di YM-nya dia Here it goes: "So thank you so much I'm sorry, goodbye" (I'm Sorry Goodbye - Krisdayanti) How lame is this? XP

Still Not Over Me Yet?

Tadi pagi, accidentally mantan gebetan "buzzing" di YM. Hm,... agak kaget juga mendengar pengakuan mantan gebetan yang bilang bahwa masih belum bisa melupakan Oma - who am I gitu lho?? Perasaan masih banyak jutaan wanita yang lebih cantik, ribuan wanita yang lebih baik, dan ratusan wanita yang spiritually and emotionally more stable. Aneh. Jadi, kali ini Oma ingin mempersembahkan sebuah lagu dari David Archuleta - A Little Too Not Over You You're better off with someone else It's for the best, i know it is But i see you Sometimes i try to hide What i feel inside And i turn around You're with him now I just can't figure it out Tell me why You're so hard to forget Don't remind me I'm not over it Tell me why I can't seem to face the truth I'm just a little too not over you So, as I have learned to get over you, you should too. Please don't ask me to marry you again, because I will marry my current, beloved fiancee soon, very soon - hopeful...

Insomnia = Coffee?

Pagi ini, kira-kira pukul 5, Oma terbangun dan TIDAK BISA TIDUR LAGI! Nampaknya insomnia lagi. Tak lama kemudian perut kerucuk-kerucuk dan mulai menusuk-nusuk. shoot! Maag kambuh. Akhirnya harus benar-benar bangun, ambil crackers, dan buka laptop. Seorang teman menyapa di YM melihat status Oma " Insomnia - I hate you ", lalu bertanya " masih suka minum kopi? " Oma pun menjawab "very much. It keeps me alive." Emang ada hubungannya ya? Kan Oma minum kopi pagi-pagi (iya sih minumnya 3 -4 gelas sehari). Bis makan malam biasanya nge-teh kok! Aniwe,.. bagus juga bangun pagi-pagi gini. Bisa nulis blog, bikin pe-er, atau chatting ma mantan gebetan! :P

Quiz Box: Iseng-iseng (tidak) berhadiah

Oma iseng-iseng isi quiz :P Ini dia hasilnya: (Yang warna ijo, komentar oma terhadap hasil kuisnya ) Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. (approved) You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties. (not sure, sometimes I am) The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true. (not really, I can be very romantic sometimes, but mostly not) Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person. (approved) The seriousness of your love: Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with ...

Obama Snack

Sounds yummy? I present to you, Obama Snack from Indonesia The first Anti-Terrorist Snack from Indonesia And,.. And,.. If you are lucky, you can win a prize, says the package =p Source: Click here


Hari ini valentine's day Oma merasa tua... Selama hampir 8 thn pacaran, belum sekalipun kami merayakan Valentine. Who knows tomorrow would be our first :P Happy Valentine's Day

Poll: Orange Carpet

Apa yang muncul di pikiran Anda kalo mendengar kata 'Orange Carpet' ? a. My carpet at home b. My favorite color c. Red carpet!! Oscar, Golden globe, Grammy, Gala, party,... d. Fruit, cake,... something yummy! e. It reminds me of my kindergarten f. Others: .... Tolong dijawab di comment yaa,.. :) atau ada juga versi praktis-nya, click di [sini]

My Song: Saviour, please

Savior, please take my hand I work so hard, I live so fast This life begins, and then it ends And I do the best that I can, but I don't know how long it'll last I try to be so tough But I'm just not strong enough I can't do this along, God I need You to hold on to me I try to be good enough But I'm nothing without Your love Savior, please keep saving me Savior, please help me stand I fall so hard, I fade so fast Will You begin right where I end And be the God of all I am because You're all I have Hallelujah Everything You are to me Is everything I'll ever need And I am learning to believe That I don't have to prove a thing


Oma pikir, setelah research pertama berakhir, berakhir pula kesibukan. At least untuk sementara. Ternyata, untuk bernafas pun Oma tak sempat. :( Sekarang uda sibuk lagi Weleh-weleh Semoga bisa cepet update blog lagi ya :)