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Showing posts from March, 2010

Small, but Fierce!*

Not because it is Sunday would I like to share something pretty spiritual to you. I guess it is because I was really touched by this writing . It is about how we are in this world for certain reason for which we are chosen just because we are we. Sometimes we have a big question mark above our head questioning why certain things happen to our lives. Sometimes, we receive something that we think we do not deserve. Like for me, the birth of Christ, His suffering on the cross for me, and His ressurection. Alexander MacLaren commented on this: “(Christ) comes to us in like fashion, and brushes aside all our convenient excuses. He says, ‘I want you, and that is enough. ” Another section in this writing that inspired me is this following: Someone once asked Francis of Assisi how he was able to accomplish so much. He replied, “This may be why: The Lord looked down from heaven and said, ‘Where can I find the weakest, littlest man on earth?’ Then He saw me and said, ‘ I’ve found him. I will wo...

Worst Possibly Scenario

It’s already one month. I have been working at the Embassy of Republic Indonesia for a month. In the beginning I was super excited that I could get the opportunity to work here, but now, still excited, but I am feeling a lot of things. There are things that are working not according to what you are used to; even more important, there are things that do not match with your belief, principles, or philosophies. Is it too hard to comprehend? Is it too hard to adjust? I would say fifty-fifty. There are some things that I can understand from not-my-point-of-view. But there are things that irritate me – hence I hesitate to understand, to adjust even more. One example about differences we have: working overtime. I was against overtime, because I really don’t want that my me-time to be disturbed; but with this big event coming up, I should sacrifice a lot of me-time. Anyway, I am glad that I can learn a lot of things from this experience. Like what I read this morning during my quite time: Joy ...

Wedding Proposal

Light Writing Proposal from Derick Childress on Vimeo . It makes me think how I would be proposed? LOL :P Any special wedding proposal dream or wish you wanna share? I will think of one soon

I Heart This Song

Please raise your hand if you know this song! I realllllyyy love this song. Every time I play this song, my melancholic spot is always responding to the soft, sweet melody. There is no story behind this, nor this song relates to any specifc occurrence in my life; but, yeah, sometimes you can fall in love with someone or something without any specific reason, no? Enjoy this song

My ABG time

Speaking of ABG, Alay, or Ababil (ABG Labil), or the proper word is teenagers, makes me recall of my puberty. Who am I 10 years ago (or more)? If I should define the young version of me in one sentence, I would say that I was a geek who tried so hard to fit in and be one of the popular elite but got crashed in the midst of the journey of finding the true identity and since then became sort of a downer. Thank God, I can now happily see myself as a geek and be proud of it. I am happy with my own fashion, my point of view, my opinion, and my belief. And I am sooo glad that my little sister did not try to fit in. My mom and I have always been encouraging her that it is okay to be different. Because back then, my mom might be still immature about how to handle her new teenager. So, she didn't realise that my failed attempt to fit in had a big impact to my puberty and my early 20s. So, enough about who I was. Let me tell you how I was by sharing my music, movie, or other interests. 1. Ca...

Tips Untuk Para ABG

Di kala deadline sedang mengejar-ngejar, seorang teman membagikan link menarik: Pertamanya Oma kira mirip dengan Nicetry , but it is actually very different. Website ini adalah sebuah website yang mengolok-olok atau menertawakan ke-alay-an para alay. Apabila Anda belum tahu apa itu Alay, Alay adalah Anak Layangan, atau kalo menurut KasKus , Alay = ABG Katro, atau kalo menurut Oma, Alay adalah ABG Lebay. Honestly, I was really surprised to look at this reality. Ngga nyangka aja kalo anak ABG sekarang berubah banget dari jaman dulu. Mungkin karena dulu teknologi belum secanggih sekarang. Dulu juga belum ada yang namanya Facebook, Twitter atau YouTube. Ternyata anak-anak sekarang berani-berani, not as in pemberani, tapi lebih ke NEKAD. Melihat foto-foto mereka yang vulgar, ngga heran ada kasus hilangnya anak-anak remaja , entah dibawa lari oleh para Oom-oom, atau melarikan diri bersama pangeran tampannya. Foto dengan bibir yang dimanyunkan Foto dengan...

Apakah Anda Masih Berintegritas?

Sebuah pertunjukan menghebohkan, lebih heboh dari Broadway, kemarin digelar di Indonesia. Lokasinya di Gedung DPR. Nama pertunjukkannya Sidang Paripurna. Bukannya bangga, saya ngenes, malu, dan sedih. Dan tidak hanya itu yang membuat saya sedih, saya sedih karena, quoted from @wimar – twitter account-nya Pak Wimar Witoelar, Metro TV sekarang sudah sedikit berubah haluan. Metro TV menjadi biased. Saya jadi bertanya, apakah Metro TV sudah ‘dibeli’? Atau mereka sudah takut untuk tampil beda? Tampil beda. Adakah dari kita yang berani tampil beda di jaman sekarang? Tampil beda yang saya maksud adalah menjadi terang ditengah kegelapan, menjadi putih di tengah-tengah hitam, menjadi manusia di tengah-tengah drakula. Berintegritas ditengah-tengah corrupted generation. Integritas. Suatu kata yang mungkin sudah semakin langka. Ada baiknya kita buka kamus dan melihat arti kata Integritas. Inilah arti kata integritas yang saya temukan: Integritas (Integrity) adalah bertindak konsisten sesuai denga...