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Showing posts from April, 2009

Blackberry Effect: Sakit Berry-Berry?

I came across this funny e-mail on my Yahoo today. I am not sure how recent it is, but it's funny! Anyway, I want Blackberry, yet for now I can only buy Strawberry or Raspberry or Blueberry :P LOL Belakangan diketahui bahwa BlackBerry ternyata memberi efek buruk bagi pemakainya. Berikut adalah akibat-akibatnya antara lain: Rela disuruh antri, semakin panjang semakin tenang, gak menunjukkan gejalakekesalan sama sekali. Yang tadinya ngedumel saat macet, sekarang tenaaaaang. Berharap kena lampu merah berulang-ulang. Kalo lampu berubah jadi ijo malah kesel. Tetep nekad jawabin email/chatting. 4.Sering diklaksonin orang lain, sampe disaranin pasang stiker di belakang mobil "harap sabar, BlackBerry user". Waktu BAB jadi tambah lama. Padahal isinya udah kosong tapi tetep aja nongkrong. Tidur miring nungguin pasangan sambil BB di tangan. Kejar target ngabisin baca email. Suka senyum-senyum sendiri. Gak konsen kerja. Bangun pagi yang pertama dicari BB dulu bukan yang lain. Waktu d...

Capit Boneka

Do you still remember this game? Duluuuu banget di Indonesia, ada mainan ini. Seneng banget dulu. Masih inget kakek yang suka banget kalo disuruh main ini, bisa berjam-jam betah tuh si kakek! Sayang, kayaknya di Indonesia mainan seperti ini uda mulai digusur - mungkin diganti dengan Time Zone, dan sekarang of course replaced by Wii, PS3, and many other gadgety thigs . Foto-foto ini diambil pas kami liburan kemarin di Deventer, ke rumah Tante Vonny. Kok ya pas kebetulan ada Kermis (kayak pasar malam musiman gitu deh!). Jadi ada wahana lucu-lucu, salah satunya ini. Kadang, melakukan hal-hal silly seperti ini menyenangkan ya. Kangen lho maen mainan yang lucu-lucu kayak gini. Atau kolasan , masih inget ngga (or tau ngga apa itu?). Lihat nih Bang Tepy, jarang-jarang dia bisa so excited seperti ini. Minggu ini ada Kermis lagi di the Hague. Nampaknya Bang Tepy akan ngajakin ke sana :P *serasa punya anak, bukan punya pacar :P*

Who am I now to you?

Deep in my heart I shouted hate yet, as I dig deeper, I discoved care and kindness Pity Trying to reconcile has left me embarassed and left behind Just like an outsider. Now left between wanting to leave and claiming my seat has made I flunk The answer is already engraved: I guess I'd resign from the realm of freindship.

A beautiful mess

Today, I was told to love my enemies but I don't particularly have to like them Kevin Johnson, the lead pastor of Crossroad Church: "If you like everybody, there will be no enemies in the world that Jesus told you to love" It does make sense. What's the different between love and like? The simple explanation is love is a choice; it is an action. Like is rather a tendency to be drawn into someone naturally (you just click with someone!). Thus, yes, I will try to love my enemies from now on Thanks, Kevin!

Selebritis Youtube!

Referring to the previous post about perkembangan jaman yang gila-gilaan, Oma jadi terinspirasi untuk menulis tentang artis-artis yang muncul di dunia maya, yang kemudian jadi terkenal atau yang semoga akan segera terkenal :) The first singer ini adalah cewe asal Belanda. Oma tau tentang dia dan video-videonya dari Bang Tepy (dia tau dari temen-temen Belanda nya). So, ceritanya cewe ini rajin bikin video dia nyanyi di Youtube until one day Justin Timberlake heard it! Finally, a dream came true. Dia di-hire oleh JT dan now she is very successful, I heard. The second and third Youtube artists ini adalah orang-orang yang oma cukup kenal. Adit adalah bachelor student yang kul di Den Haag juga. He is such a sweety and a great singer! Rajin banged nyanyi dan upload video di Facebook en Youtube account nya. Fraya and Ilham bukan temen oma, tapi Ilham adalah adiknya Adit. That's how I came across their videos. I love Fraya's voice. The latest gossip, mereka is a couple now! Aaah,.. so ...

Jaman Edhan 2.0

Jaman edhan! Mungkin orang tua, nenek, kakek atau keluarga dari generasi baby boomers or even older akan berkata demikian apabila melihat perkembangan sekarang. Kalo dulu, komunikasi pake surat atau telegram, telepon yang masih belum terlalu merakyat, lalu dilanjutkan dengan adanya pager (jadi ingat lagunya Sweet Martabak "ti di tit , pagerku berbunyi"), dan kemudian muncullah HP yang ukurannya saking gedhenya bisa buat nimpuk maling dan bikin KO, dan lama kelamaan ukurannya makin mengecil. During Handphone time, computer juga sedikit demi sedikit mulai popular. Awalnya popular yang either backgroundnya hitam, hijau atau biru, dengan ukurang CPU and monitor yang guueeedheee; sampe akhirnya di akhir taun 90 an ukuran komputer mulai mengecil dan datanglah laptop. Dan to cut long story short, lihat sekarang. Facebook , Twitter , Digg , Wikipedia, Mixx , , Flickr, Youtube, Plurk , and many other things! Kalo kalian pernah denger istilah Web 2.0, nah ini dia situs-situs ya...

it's been a while

Gosh it's been a while Oma ngga nulis blog tercinta ini Hm.... What's up, Oma? Hm,... how should I start? Okay, I have been good actually, despite all the flaws happened in life, yeah, I am in one piece, still. Maybe it sounds a little bit cynical or upsetting; yet I am honestly okay. My life has been so different, let's say, compared to my first period in Holland. It is now more challenging, of course, but it also is more complete. Stefy came together with me to study and now he lives in the Hague, too. I feel happier. We often cook together. We do grocery shopping together. It's been fun! So, if I feel upset in the morning, or assignments and research have been tough, I know that someone at home waiting for me. Someone that will give me a smile or a hug to ease my pain for a while. It's been good. School stuffs have been reaallly tough! I know some of you are familiar with my hard-working attitude. Yes, I still am like that. But, this time it is not just me overdo...

Culture Unplugged Video

View this movie at

Oma jadi Artis di Belanda

Mungkin ada yang tahu kalo Oma lagi magang di Nuffic (kalo di Indo terkenal dengan nama Neso) untuk research Oma. Selain research, Oma juga diminta bantu-bantu, salah satunya ngebantu bikin video ini. Hehehe,.. Oma ikutan maen lho! meskipun munculnya cuma sekilas doang :P Selain jadi 'artis' di video ini, Oma juga ikut memberikan opini dalam proses pembuatan video ini. Coz, ada beberapa hal yang menurut orang belanda (baca: Nuffic) menarik untuk ditampilkan, tapi buat orang Indonesia, misalnya, terlalu sensitif. Contoh nih, cewe-cewe belanda yang sedang jalan-jalan di pantai pake bikini atau baju yang minim di bulan summer. It is very normal here, but di Indo? Hm,... people still make a big fuss about it, I reckon. So, enjoy azaaa... Kalo mo minta tanda tangan Oma, buruan ya :D

A or B?

Which one do you prefer? Waking up early in the morning or staying up until midnight? If you choose later, then, you are the B-People. An article in the Dutch newspaper has caught my attention, because I feel that I belong to this group: the B-People. B-People is the evening-person, people that have difficulty to wake up early in the morning, starting up the engine or getting in a bus (or train, if you are in the Netherlands), and getting ready to meet clients, reading documents, meeting, and many other morning activities. While A-people (the morning-person) is fit and fresh coming to the meeting room, B-people would start the fit-and-fresh moment by the time all the meeting points have been discussed. As for me, I need at least 4cups of coffee to get me ready to work, which I found very normal. B-people like to stay awake until midnight; however they have a big problem in the following morning, especially because they go to bed at least at 2 AM. This will result in the social jetlag ...