Today is Axl's first birthday, which means we have completed one full year of being parents for him. I want to reflect on that and write this piece. Maybe it would be nice for you to read, but I think this is kind of my way of giving thanks for what has happened in one year. When Axl was born last year, lots of friends and families passed on their greetings, congratulating me for this cute little baby. But one friend wrote on Facebook "good luck for the next 18 years." I giggled, but turned out, I really needed that luck, simply to pass the first few months. The first few months were the hardest. Or let me be specific. The first month was the super hardest. We were clueless. Turned out technology and Google were not able to prep us to becoming parents. All the links about nursing and parenting, all the apps downloaded, and all the lullabies from YouTube couldn't always help us to soothe Axl when he was having colic or when he decided to cry for no reasons. Giving A...
Enjoy it with a cup of coffee