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Soulmate, percaya or gak percaya?

Dulu Oma ngga percaya, thinking it was just a lame excuse of finding another lover, or thinking it was just on the movie or fairytale.

Apa sekarang percaya?
Hm,.. masih ngga jelas. Maybe yes, maybe no.

Tadi di Radio For Fun denger lagu Kahitna yang Soulmate, cepet-cepet cari liriknya. Dan, liriknya memang benar-benar menohok hati.

Ketika engkau datang
Mengapa di saat ku tak mungkin menggapaimu

Meskipun tlah kau semaikan cinta
Di balik senyuman indah
Kau jadikan seakan nyata
Seolah kau belahan jiwa
Meskipun tak mungkin lagi
Tuk menjadi pasanganku
Namun kuyakini cinta
Kau kekasih hati

Terkadang begitu sukar untuk dimengerti
Semua ini kita terlambat

Pasti kalian masih inget tentang si Drummer itu. Memang sudah lama Oma tutup buku, tapi kadang Oma masih memikirkan dia. Kadang-kadang. (And seriously, uda lamaaaa ngga chatting. )

Sempat terlintas, is it possible that he is my soulmate but I just don't realise it. Or, have you ever read children book when in the end of a page there are two options: go to meet the wicked witch to help you to go home or walk a little further and try to find the nice angle's crib? Could he be the 'second option'?

Setiap kali pemikiran seperti itu muncul, Oma in the end berkesimpulan, whomever he should or could be in my life, I have made my choice. And, I am just gonna be the biggest fan of his. Period.
Anyway, I just signed up to his band's fansclub. Just to prove (to myself and to the world) that I am just a fan.


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